Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Thankful Tree

This year I decided to put up a thankful tree and each day our son needed to name one thing he is thankful for and then I would write it on a leaf to hang in our tree. We started on the first day of November and stopped on Thanksgiving Day, and depending on your requirements, this can get tough for a 5-year old. We didn't allow him to name family members separate - he said family for his first leaf and then wasn't allowed to name mom, dad, or grandparents. He also said 'friends' which meant he couldn't name specific friends; he really needed to put thought into what he did say. Towards the end we helped because after about 20 days, it was difficult.

He liked trying to think of things each night and it made him realize he has a lot to be thankful for - which was my goal :). 

It's a simple thing to do but has a lot of meaning and I think it's great to do before the Christmas season.

His leaves - no special order…
going camping with dad
hot chocolate after playing in the snow
thanksgiving and turkey too
movie day at school
new pajamas for pj day
huge bed
friends at school
my sister
going fishing
my house
my teacher
donuts for breakfast
getting juice
my room
having mom make me lunch
my school

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