Friday, March 12, 2021

Don't Call the Fire Dept. - It's Just Breakfast

I am not by any means the most stellar cook but I don't feel like I'm a candidate for the show Worst Cooks in America either. 

The first meal I cooked for my now husband, around 16 years ago, was dreadfully awful and he now considers me pretty good. I mean it was plain, dry chicken that tasted like cardboard, along with dry stuffing, and under cooked brownies with hard burned edges. I couldn't have made it worse if I tried. It was a mess, but he ate it as if it was the best meal he'd ever had. He really can be sweet, but lets not tell him I said that. So for those next years I put in a lot of effort to be good, or at least better. Although my kids would still prefer to eat frozen chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese from a box. 

One of my husband's favorite meals is breakfast and one of the hardest parts for me about making breakfast is the timing - to get the over-easy eggs done about 10 seconds after the toast pops so
you have a small window to spread the butter so it melts evenly. Having everything timed perfectly while the dog is underfoot and the kids are wanting entirely different things...Fruit Loops for Kyle, buttered muffins for Morgan, and Lane still isn't sure what he wants but wants to see what looks best. 

Anyway, our toaster we've had from most of this 16 years, it works so there is no need for a newer one. Actually we even have an extra but I just don't use it. There is just one small issue with the current one, when you use it twice in a row, it smokes and then sets off the smoke detectors. This has happened in several houses, but I'm pretty sure the kids and Matt don't know the one use of the toaster rule. But each time I do it, I have this small hope that it will change, it won't, but it doesn't stop me for trying it again and again and setting off the shrill sound over and over. 

The running joke is that when I inevitably set it off, everyone knows that breakfast is ready. Just the other morning, the screeching sounded and Matt came down the steps laughing, saying I didn't need to alert him breakfast was done, he was on his way. At the table Matt mentioned maybe we should get a new toaster, I told him we have an extra, and Lane interjected and said no, no, no we can't use a new one because the smoke detector is his alarm during the summer. 

Matt started laughing and teasing me about how sad that statement truly was. I mean maybe I could be on my own show, No Need To Call The Fire Dept. Has kind of a nice ring to it, doesn't it?!

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