Sunday, March 10, 2019

Where's the House?

We moved back to Somerset County, PA in the middle of last year because well, lets face it, we missed home. Plus, with three kids, this momma needed some help. 
When we sold our house in Washington, PA we hadn’t found another to purchase so my great-grandma allowed my family to move into her house until we found something permanent. My great-grandma currently lives in a nursing facility, so I guess technically my grandma and grandfather are allowing us to stay. Yes, you read that right – stay not stayed! We still haven’t moved but we will soon, at least that’s what I’ve been told. The building process or should I say the survey/deed/permit/loan process has been painstakingly slow. 
However, when I took the kids to see the equipment arriving after school and work one day, Kyle was super excited! “Is that our new house?” 
He’s three, so obviously he was referring to the port-o-potty, the only room looking structure he could see. Yes sweetheart, Mommy says we could all live in a phone booth but that doesn’t mean we are going too, that’s a bathroom. 
“We have to go outside to go to the bathroom?! Why? Can't we have one inside? But where’s the house?”
That's the question I have too kiddo, where's the house?