Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Cookies

Each year I make some kind of Christmas cookies, while other years, I get a little ambitious and make more than 20 dozen to deliver and share. This year was an ambitious year so when my mother-in-law and sister-in-law said they were making sugar cookies I didn't know if my kids would be up for it. However, a chance to go to their aunts house, well they were out the door. They of course brought a plate full home, even though I know they probably had a dozen between the three of them. Or at least had a pound of icing to sample. Kyle had a lot on his shirt that he was saving for later. 

Anyway, these cookies took a little longer to consume because of all the Christmas goodies that continue to fill my pantry. (That's why I make my cookies early, so I know they are eaten.) I pack my husband's lunch each day for work and the kids have all gotten accustomed to figuring out a dessert to pack. Lane doesn't participate as much anymore but when he was little he did a lot with a special note. The other night I started to place things in his lunch and Morgan and Kyle decided they would each pack a cookie. 

The next morning, Morgan asked "Dad, did you like the cookies?" I was walking away from the kids, passing my husband, as he started to say, "oh yes, absolutely I loved them," and I whispered that Morgan packed the reindeer and Kyle the tree, so that he could comment individually, which he did. You could see both children's smiles.

Later that evening, we were all in the living room and the kid's van driver called, asking if he could stop to give all of the kids a gift, even though Kyle isn't even in school yet. (Our van driver is one of the nicest and sweetest people; he just is a genuine person.) After ending the call, I looked to my husband and said, "I don't even have anything made for him, I guess maybe I could give him a couple cookies the kids made." There were just a handful left. 

As soon as I said it he responded with...

"No you can't do that, those cookies are gross, they are old! And stale! You cannot give him those! They're over two weeks old!"

Morgan's head swiveled right to her dad and yelled, "YOU SAID THOSE COOKIES WERE GREAT!"

I had to hide my face and leave the room because I was laughing so hard. My husband rarely makes a mistake like this, like once every 10 years, but boy when he does...he makes it count. 

He tried to recover by saying, "well they were great yesterday honey, but today they went bad!" 

Seriously I had tears from laughing so hard. As Morgan looks away from him, he imitates pulling his foot out of his mouth. 

I packed the dessert today. :) 

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