Thursday, February 14, 2013

Finishing Our Hearts

Today, Valentine's Day, our family finished the Conversation Hearts and while we were excited to reach the last paper chain heart it was a little bittersweet because our son looked forward to tearing off a heart each day. He actually liked having to think about his answer and always wanted to go first.

Yesterday's Question: Something I wish my family would do more of is...
Son - I wish we could go out to dinner more. (We went out to dinner this week for Valentine's Day and our son isn't always the most behaved when out to dinner so we don't go out a lot. Unfortunately this week was also one of those times. He isn't one to be standing on the table or running around but he is exceptionally loud and doesn't want to listen.)

Today's Question - What is good about a snowy day?
Son - I get to go out and go sled riding.

As I have stated before, I'm not insanely crafty and your family's conversation hearts could be a lot prettier and the design better executed but I'd recommend everyone doing this at least once. Your child's answers will surprise you and the questions can be a lot of fun.

Happy Valentine's Day.

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